
Bask in Hakata-style hospitality as you savor deliciously fresh seafood.

This izakaya (Japanese pub) serves seafood that is fished in and around the Hakata Bay. Recommended dishes include sashimi, gomasaba (mackerel with sesami sauce), and arataki (fish broiled in soy sauce). The pub’s name is coined from the expression “warau kado niwa fuku kitare,” which literally means “fortune comes in at the merry gate.” When walking into this pub, you will be greeted by laughter and animated conversations in the Hakata dialect.

  • Closed:Sunday
  • Open:18:00-24:00
  • Tel:092-291-1040
  • Credit Card:Cash Only
To Tenjin
Meiji-dori Avenue
To Gofukumachi
Deaibashi-dori Avenue
Reisen Koen-dori Avenue


Roman-dori Avenue
Reisen-dori Avenue
To Tenjin
Kokutai-doro Avenue
To Gion
To Canal City