Florist Ranran

Luxury orchid shop where single roses are also popular with travelers to brighten up their accommodation.

This luxury orchid shop proposes creating a pleasant space in which beautiful flowers become a part of your life. The rare and multi-hued Rainbow Rose, glittery Pink Rose, and Blue Rose (famously known for its symbolic name, “Impossible”) are especially popular among visitors.

  • Closed:1/1-1/3
  • Open:10:00-20:00
  • Tel:092-272-2355
  • Credit Card:Visa,Master,Diners
To Tenjin
Meiji-dori Avenue
To Gofukumachi
Deaibashi-dori Avenue
Reisen Koen-dori Avenue


Roman-dori Avenue
Reisen-dori Avenue
To Tenjin
Kokutai-doro Avenue
To Gion
To Canal City